| xmonad-contrib-0.7: Third party extensions for xmonad | Contents | Index |
XMonad.Actions.WindowNavigation | Maintainer | Devin Mullins <me@twifkak.com> |
Description |
License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
This is a rewrite of XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation, for the purposes of
code cleanup and Xinerama support. It's not complete, so you'll want to
use that one for now.
WindowNavigation lets you assign keys to move updownleftright, based on
actual cartesian window coordinates, rather than just going jk on the stack.
Synopsis |
Don't use it! What, are you crazy?
withWindowNavigation :: (KeySym, KeySym, KeySym, KeySym) -> XConfig l -> IO (XConfig l) |
withWindowNavigationKeys :: [((KeyMask, KeySym), WNAction)] -> XConfig l -> IO (XConfig l) |
data WNAction |
go :: IORef WNState -> Direction -> X () |
swap :: IORef WNState -> Direction -> X () |
data Direction |
An enumeration of the four cardinal directions/sides of the
Ideally this would go in its own separate module in Util,
but ManageDocks is angling for inclusion into the xmonad core,
so keep the dependencies to a minimum.
| Constructors | U | Up/top
| D | Down/bottom
| R | Right
| L | Left
| Instances | |
Produced by Haddock version 0.8 |