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Description | |||||
Proof-of-concept (but usable) plain-text configuration file parser, for use instead of xmonad.hs. Does not require recompilation, allowing xmonad to be free of the GHC dependency. | |||||
Synopsis | |||||
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Introduction | |||||
The xmonad.hs file is very minimal when used with PlainConfig. It typically contains only the following: module Main where import XMonad import XMonad.Config.PlainConfig (plainConfig) main = plainConfig The plainConfig function parses ~/.xmonad/xmonad.conf, the format of which is described below. | |||||
Supported Layouts | |||||
Only Tall, Wide and Full are supported at present. | |||||
Support Key Bindings | |||||
Key bindings are specified as a pair of an arbitrary EZConfig and one of the following: Name Haskell equivalent Default binding(s)
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Other Notes | |||||
Submaps are allowed. These settings override the defaults. Changes made here will be used over the default bindings for those keys. | |||||
Example Config File | |||||
An example ~/.xmonad/xmonad.conf file follows: modMask = 3 numlockMask = 2 borderWidth = 1 normalBorderColor = #dddddd focusedBorderColor = #00ff00 terminal=urxvt workspaces=["1: IRC","2: Web", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] focusFollowsMouse=True layouts=["Tall","Full","Wide"] key=("M-x t", "spawn xmessage Test") manageHook=(ClassName "MPlayer" , "float" ) manageHook=(ClassName "Gimp" , "float" ) manageHook=(Resource "desktop_window", "ignore" ) manageHook=(Resource "kdesktop" , "ignore" ) manageHook=(Resource "gnome-panel" , "ignore" ) | |||||
plainConfig :: IO () | |||||
Handles the unwrapping of the Layout. Intended for use as main = plainConfig | |||||
readConfig :: IO (Maybe (XConfig Layout)) | |||||
Core function that attempts to parse ~/.xmonad/xmonad.conf | |||||
checkConfig :: IO Bool | |||||
Attempts to run readConfig, and checks if it failed. | |||||
Produced by Haddock version 0.8 |